Hey, its Vegas- a.k.a Vinguistic! this site is soon to be my main hub linking all my main content and contacts.
Hopefully you enjoy this site (once its fully fleshed out and functional-) I have always wanted to be part of the indieweb :D
My main interests are; Linguistics, JJBA, Moths, Digimon, Anthropology, Worldbuilding, The Vampire Diaries, Conlanging, Kasane Teto, language learning. If it wasn't obvious from that list- I love words and languages :] I will admit a lot of these things I really don't know that much about- I have a hard time fully getting through series even if I REALLY love them, same applies with trying to learn all about stuff I really enjoy. I have a lot of other niche hobbies and interests that will pop up as the only thing I can think of for a week and then dissapear into the aether of my mind for months.
Media I'm (trying) to get through
So far I've been watching
Revolutionary Girl Utena

I have been very much enjoying this series so far! I started it initially because I was watching Princess Tutu (another very fun and unique magical girl show) and heard a lot of people compare it to Utena and I think some of the same people from Utena worked on the show? Anyway Utena is easily one of the top anime I've seen- it actually makes me have to think about motifs and themes-
On Episode: 23/39 - haven't seen the movie yet
What I'm reading
What I'm listening to
this is where I'll link a playlist once I get around to it- but I don't tend to listen to much music