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This is to list what I use in my life, whether thats art programs, book sites, stationery, computer OS, etc. NONE of these have any sort of affilliation with me, and I do NOT get any money from them. I just believe in acess to information for everyone. Think of this as "reccomendations & things I personally like to use"

Art resources

programs I use: Ibis for most art (on my phone), Flipaclip for most animation (on phone). Krita for when I do art on the computer- no animation program I use on the computer yet.

Ibis Brushes I use; (yet to put here)

Drawing tablet

Computer/tech stuff

Computer:Thinkpad t480

OS I use: Linux Mint, highly reccomend if you're interested!

Browser: Zen browser ! Really underrated and actually really nice- Its similar to Arc browser- but Its based on firefox and got some really great customisation options.

Search engine; Ecosia

Language learning


Haven't fleshed out this page yet but I got a good bout of bookmarks to put here :D


TG4, and Cula 4! :D TG4 has a lot of shows in irish while Cula4 is more kids shows- good for listening practice - check out the resources tab for vocab and also a way more comprehensive list of links and resources than I have currently


I use a rocketbook notebook for a lot of stuff- including planning out the coding for this website!